Friday, February 20, 2009

the ultimate bass guitar.

an overwhelming majority of the bassists i know play fenders. fender has been huge for many favorite bassist (entwistle) played fenders in the '60s before he went to almost exclusively custom basses.

however, i feel that fenders tend to be nasally sounding and mid-rangey. the ultimate bass guitar, in my opinion, is the Gibson SG.

this was the choice bass guitar of Jack Bruce of Cream during his cream period. these days, at the few shows he plays, he promotes custom fretless basses.

the overall design is very identifiable and intriguing. if you'd like to have a bass guitar that's based on the gibson (and don't want to crank out over a grand for it), epiphone has a model based on the gibson design that is very similar. the epiphone, however, has only one pickup, a neck pickup, and therefore will be confined to deeper, more resonant tones and won't have the flexibility to move to a sharper timbre. but overall, it's a great bass guitar.